
A Day in the Life of Stephanie Wasek, our Scientific Director

We love our team at Bedrock Healthcare Communications. We are smart, creative, funny, passionate, the list goes on.

In our series of ‘A day in the life of…’ we will be sharing more information about some of our team members.

To find out more about life at Bedrock Healthcare Communications get in touch and read more about our incredibly inquisitive Scientific Director, Stephanie Wasek

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World MedComms Day

Today we are celebrating World MedComms Day!

Our team come from all walks of life, giving Bedrock Healthcare Communications a diverse range of expertise, knowledge and understanding. Together we combine our skills, using science and creativity to create compelling communications that ultimately improve lives. Every day brings exciting new opportunities working at Bedrock.  Here’s how some of our fabulous team is celebrating a day in the life of #MedComms today…

Our 10 favourite events from the last 10 years

Here at Resonant Group, we have always strived to create a fun and engaging working environment, build relationships and friendships within our teams and develop an enviable company culture through everything we do.

Despite the lockdowns and working remotely, we have still managed to come together regularly and enjoy some entertaining activities to keep the team spirits high!

As we celebrate our 10th birthday this year, what better time to look back on our favourite activities…

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Bringing creativity to medical communications: A process, not a point in time

Every time I attempt ‘creativity’, it goes all wrong. It even happened with this blog post. I opened a blank Word doc late one afternoon, slapped a label – ‘Structure of creativity’ – at the top, and waited for inspiration to hit.

Then I kept waiting. Tried drinking some water (note: hydration is not the same thing as inspiration). Started getting frustrated.

And then thought, ‘What advice would I give a fellow medical writer in this situation?’ and realised I was following absolutely none of it. (The fact that writers are their own worst enemies transcends space and time.) So I stopped waiting and jotted down that advice, and – magically – it created a structure that made creativity a doddle.

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The future of dementia and the important role of healthcare communications in raising awareness

At Bedrock Healthcare Communications we are proud to help spread awareness of dementia with the ultimate goal to improve the lives of patients and carers 

This week in the UK marks Dementia Action Week, a national event organised by the Alzheimer’s Society that sees the public coming together to take action to improve the lives of people affected by dementia.


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Why we need to look at rare diseases in a different way

Rare Disease Day aims to raise awareness of rare diseases and the impact they have on patients’ lives. But why is this important?  If rare diseases are rare, why should we be interested, make time to care, learn more or more importantly take action?

Critically, although we define individual rare diseases as rare, collectively there are around 7,000 which means that 1 in 17 of us will suffer from a rare disease in our lifetimes, equivalent to 7% of the population.

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